Sunday, October 2, 2016

Here’s a little secret from me to you πŸ˜‰A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. – Albert Einstein.

Here’s a little secret from me to you πŸ˜‰s, ages of dates, good times, free rides. Hands to hold, knights and kings, fairy tales, quests for long life. Joys and pains, hands to hold, gifts to share, love and luck, cards to flip, dances on the sands of time. Lovers and haters, goats and sheep, hopes and wishes, fairy tales every day, views in noses, hares lost in the woods, seven dates to frogs and fools.

Sometimes asking the right question makes all the difference. Interesting thoughts of how PTSD persists from from Bessel van der Kolk.Day Job???Rach Jay, New Trick, Faces for Rachel Gaylin Jarrot: Intern With Daddy: Steven R Sheri Jarrot: Trades Online. Here’s a little secret from me to you πŸ˜‰  Steven Jarrot 7608512267, bends and twists in truthful and faithful, Rachel Jarrot: Rachel Wigsout, movie fag hag, Santa Monica College trick.
Teachers every day,....Sep 18, 2013....Tatoo butch 333 marks on breast, tits, and chest.
..TRANSPORTATION. TRIPS TO HELL, WITH HELL HOUNDS. Singing The Blues, sad and blue, over the hate, goats and sheep, lessons learned, in the first attempt in new lessons, to learn something new, to fail is not an option, dancing in the darkness.Gifts of words, tips and tales, monkeys to singers, monkeys to races, rats and monkeys, music to make. Songs to last over time and space, happy notes, tips and tales, stories to carry over the hills. Jesus Christ, Jesuit Charlie, Charlie Jarrot, donkeys in the hills to stay...I need this type of boyfriend! Get me frogs, and snakes and alligators and I'll be happy 😊🐸🐍🐊 . Monkeys to hand to assist on the crosses made back in the day. Hanging trees, dogwood trees, into the woods, into the dark, angels out to watch your back.Notes...Hey there its Dex...Dexter Campbell at The High Lights, Live For The Night, Free Fallin!....I need this type of boyfriend! Get me frogs, and snakes and alligators and I'll be happy 😊🐸🐍🐊

Bears for girls, buff forever, butch. 
Hate is a strong word, never used it for anything, dislike things about you and was unhappy about the treatment given. It felt like a drop in years back to 1952. Black and white people were not happy together, and hate for a different class of people was alive and hanging blacks. Living with the Jarrots, was like going back in time to American in 1952.
Here’s a little secret from me to you πŸ˜‰Here’s a little secret from me to you πŸ˜‰A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. – Albert Einstein.

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